Before and After Photos
Auto Detailing and Reconditioning : Car Cleaning Experts for your Car, Truck or Van
Before and After Photos
Unlike machine carwash chains and mobile detailing services, Portland Detailing performs hands-on cleaning services with the attention to detail that can only from dedicated professionals, not kids with after-school jobs. Mobile services can't provide the kind of heavy-duty equipment and the variety of cleaning solutions that are available at a dedicated shop.
Most of us know what it's like to drive around in a car that gets dirtier (outside and in) by the day... or week or month! It's not a great feeling -- there's the embarrassment, lack of pride, and that nagging feeling that drives around with you that something is not right in your personal transportation world. A renewed car is a bit of a new lease on life -- all of a sudden you feel good about driving a car that just hours before was an eyesore. The pride returns as well as a sense that there is indeed order in the world. What a great way to feel like your car is new again. And don't forget to share the love and the pride with a gift certificate from Portland Detailing in any amount or prepay for a particular level of service. You can do that over the phone or in person; just give us a call anytime.
Portland Auto Detailing • 275 Presumpscot St. • Portland, ME 04103 • Phone: 207-772-0769 •